Do You Have What It Takes

Do you have what it takes to be a caregiver? Unfortunately those of us who are caregivers are never given that opportunity to even think about the question let alone answer it. We are often thrust into the role of caregiver and for most of us we wouldn’t want to be anything else to our parents. Let’s face it, our parents  or parent, cared for us as small children and saw us through  the hardest years of our lives growing up;  they survived our teenage years. Caregiving is in essence giving back to that parent and saying thank you for all they did when we were a helpless child.   Giving back to a parent in the role of caregiving is the highest honor that we can give them. So getting back to my question, do you have what it takes?   Do you know what is involved? Caregiving is relentless, it’s a full-time job and then some. It’s a job without vacation or days off for holidays. It is a job without a set 9-to-5 schedule. It is a job that requires you to be on call 24 hours a day.    There is not a benefits package, a retirement package, or  and opportunity for  early retirement.  Caregiving demands everything, expects everything, and yields to very little.   It does not care about your health or your emotions or your other obligations.  It is an all-consuming fire you can’t put out as hard as you try.  Yet, there is one thing that sets this job apart from any other job you will ever do:  there is a reward in heaven and it is unlike any other reward you might receive from your corporate job.  This reward does not have a price tag attached to it; the worth is too lofty.  

As you begin your role as caregiver, know this one thing:  not all days will be bad or hard or impossible.  The journey is long but not without treasures along the way.   Take time to find the jewels on the journey and tuck them away in your heart; you’ll need them again one day.  We each possess the ability to care for another.

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