Simple Falls and How to Assist

As our parents age, the odds of them having a fall increases, raising our awareness for things in their path. Being proactive is a must and an easy fix but what about after the fall, how many know what to do when your loved one has fallen? Do you rush in to pick them up and dust them off? Do you panic and call 911 before assessing the situation? This blog is aimed at helping you learn what to do when, once they have fallen.

First and foremost, if there’s any doubt about their safety, call 911. Assess for bleeding, severe pain, sudden bruising. If there is any mention of loss of feeling or movement in either the arms or legs, call 911 and do NOT move them. The longer you wait could become a significant factor in their recovery. Other factors to consider: if your parent is overweight, you could put yourself at risk of back injury if you try to lift them on your own. You can also put them at further risk of injury if halfway through the lift you realize you don’t have the strength needed to complete the lift.

So what can you do if the fall is not so severe?Remain calm and keep them calm. If they’re breathing fast, encouraging slow, deep breaths will help. IF you are going to assist them getting up, always bend at the knees to lift to prevent injuring your back…”lift from the knees”! Have them roll to their side and help them get to their knees. Place a chair behind them. Get into a position like giving a hug by placing your arms under their armpits. Ask them to reach around and hug you. Use your knees, squat and raise up using your leg muscles while encouraging them to stand up. Get them to a seated position in the chair and reassess them. Again, if at anytime you think you need help, get it. Don’t try and be a hero…

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