Can They Still Hear God

When my mother was ill, I often worried about her spirituality and what becomes of that once Alzheimer’s had taken over her mind completely.   Could she still hear Him?  Could she still talk to God?  Did God still talk to her and if He did, did she “know” it was God?  I knew if I talked to her, she could hear me but she no longer “knew” it was her daughter talking.  I had to allow my knowledge of who God is to answer those questions for me and settle my spirit.

We stay so busy looking out for their physical well-being and their emotional well-being that we can accidentally overlook their spiritual health or maybe there are others like me that questioned whether it still mattered.  I’m here to say, “YES, it matters greatly!”  Helping them to pursue their spiritual journey can have a profound effect on them, regardless of their dementia severity.  If their faith was vital to them before the disease, their faith is still vital to them now in and during the disease.


Some ways to help them with this can be through music and playing old hymns.  Since long term memory is not affected in dementia, they will recall these well-known songs and be able to join in the singing, boosting their spirit.  Music has an immense way of soothing the soul.  Reading stories from the bible and even doing simple, not too in depth bible studies can be beneficial.  You may prompt them to tell a story from their youth.  This gets them involved and gives them a feeling of worth.  There are wonderful journal coloring books as art can be very expressive.    You Tube is an excellent source for pulling up sermon videos or many churches now have their sermons online.  Maybe you go on a walk with them and pray out loud or maybe just softly together.  Either way, this opens up for conversations to be made.

Remember, their spiritual wellness is just as important to their well-being as their physical and emotional state is.  What brings your loved one to life when they talk about God?  Do they know God?  If not, you may be able to tell them about your God.  Don’t forget your own well-being and spiritual care in the process though.

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